A torn or sagging headliner is an eyesore and can be a hazard by blocking visibility. DA Motor Trimming offers all types of headliners for all types of cars. There is no need to put-off your saggy roof lining repairs. We can assist with:
Many later model convertibles, as well as some older, high-end, classic, import convertibles have headliners beneath the convertible top to cover the framework and to provide a more finished look to the inside of the car.
Often these headliners become torn, faded, or overly dirty and should be replaced. Naturally, the best time to change a convertible headliner is when the convertible top is also being changed.
Occasionally, the headliner board of a later model car gets destroyed and cannot be reused. If a replacement board is not available, the next best option is to install a conversion style headliner.
This would be the same type of foam backed cloth headliner material, pre-sewn with sleeves on the underside. Bows would slide into the sleeves and clip into position to suspend the headliner in place, just like that of an older car.
(To replace damaged boards)
For some popular models, replacement headliner boards are available to replace the original, damaged headliner board. They are molded to shape to fit each specific application
(Recovered to match the new headliner)
If the headliner is replaced and the sunvisors are not recovered, they will stand out like a sore thumb. Likewise, other components like overhead consoles, trim panels, etc., will look old and worn.
Whether they are old style cloth visors with leather finger tabs, or visors with piping and chrome tips, or visors with vanity mirrors, we can make them look new again.
Other items, such as the front windshield pillars or the rear sail panels next to the rear windshield take a beating from the sun. These, as well as other trim pieces should ideally be recovered when the main headliner is being done.
(Most cars early 1970s and older)
Up until the early 1970s, headliners were generally supported by bows (rods) which slipped through sleeves on the underside of the headliner. These bows were slid into clips at each end along the ceiling.
When the headliner is to be changed, the bows are removed from the old headliner and transferred into the sleeves of the new headliner. The new headliner is then carefully stretched, heated and glued into position.
For an original restoration, Broadcloth or Mohair wools are available. For a more economical approach, or where applicable, napped cotton or synthetic cloths offer a nice, finished appearance. Matching headliner material is usually also used to cover the lower trim panels and sunvisors.
In addition, many classic cars also require windlace to be installed in conjunction with the headliner. The windlace generally runs along the roof line and and around the door openings.
Anything goes, including the use of tweed cloths, suedes or even geometric designs sewn right into the headliner.
A nice new headliner is another important part of a complete restoration. Most cars of this era had a variety of textured vinyl headliners including plain, perforated, bedford cord and recessed star patterns. Rear sail panels and sunvisors may also be recovered.